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idntifyingand chal eeventually decided this wasn't ofimdcreativesolution enough,and so flipped her world on its head by quitting her question the lim prestigious job at Motorola in 2002 in order to travel in Af start their lives ghanistan more extensively The country was in shambles after the war began,and she that have a gran She got a visa,purchas lp in any way she could. adical,and they can to find some way to m ticket,and went,hoping ncharted territory.W plane in Kabul,there ce.When she got off the ves from taking th in place.With some is and little infrastructure quented by report und her way to a hotel fre- fully stretched th contacting eve the world,and got to work involved with l assumptions as sh find out how she could get to write gra efThe beginning d the country.She offered foors-wha :cockwork.She earne ess plans,or even to sweep Sandra ito the London Scho rertor of with Nancy Dupree,the di- came back to work ter at Kabul University.Nancy Research Institute t books ld the university library and to Hamilton,an irough t女 people throughout the country mnications bu each othe the cente er, Extension.After they got to know this pat! of this tion's bo Sandra wrote a business plan for 00 ntually asked to serve on the organiza- twrong and sp ing m rs.She is now co-president of the board enb o wik Sand her time building awareness of and rais- trips distribu organization.Besides her official duties, durin She pe n grassroots projects in Afghanistan,such as egranate trees throughout the city of Kabul. illy purchased twenty thousand bare-root trees and