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4 it.She down her bottle clicked drowning. with valerian d fight d he had to keep her in the carpet before he could He knew he was in an unjustifiable aitration,based as it was d for a quarter of an hour rrespondence to cele- complete inequality. One evening,befor ce with Sabina,they had on th Tom brate Tereza's new from darkroom te had never been t-second p ted her pa nd leagues took ov/ that her de ave are her pre dles up unde Aoor,and To looked on in ana strove⊙ as if they erence with HAVE COOD TIME m,was not nece Tomas,she might which dance seemed dent desire to See≥Ct→ er learning s⊙mes he evidence arrived at this fiction wounded him.He realized that Te Us body was perfectly thinkable coupled with any male bo to his person, been ready to re his young colleague as loveri the thought put him in a foul mood.Not until late tha have met instead. >&e、入s⊙ /h五e trie己to home,did he admit to her he was jealous. This absurd jealousy,grounded as it was in m mkingdatc ses,proved that he considered her fidelity an next room came postulate of their relationship.How then could her jealousy of his very real mistresses?