家庭文摘网 逸家购物 pidan混合猫砂豆腐砂膨润土 低尘猫沙子幼猫猫咪大包装去味除臭
pidan混合猫砂豆腐砂膨润土 低尘猫沙子幼猫猫咪大包装去味除臭
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咖啡膨润土混合猫砂 pidan 餐8赞闲@立 御®立 环保可持续,对环境更友好○咖啡清 境更友好○脚啡帝 原料,乾理吸附异味,除臭力再升级○咖 除臭力再开级○幽 球渣豆喻猫砂与密润土猫砂混合,结团 土苗砂混合,结团 迎速且不是粘底○自主研发的全白动生产线,生产过程安全有保障O可冲马 全有保得○可冲马 桶,遇水即落,方便又环保ConsumablesOCat Litter Coffee&Bentonite ffee Bentonite MixO Recycled coffee grounds is sustainable and more environmentally environmenta重y friendlyOWith coffee grounds as a raw material,the product well ab- oroduct well ab- sorbs unpleasant odor with upgraded deodorizing powerOThe cat lit- verOThe cat lit- ter mix of coffee grounds and bentonite is characterized by fast clumping by fast clumping and prevents adhesion to a cat litter box bottomOOur self-de nOOur self-de veoefuyautom6 r猫为先 the sate production processOThe productisco 猫为先 009. venient and ronmentally-公益计划 0l。品。品interand canbeshdnto 公益计划 咖啡膨润土混合猫砂 Cat Litter Coffee Bentonite 2mm 环保咖啡渣 咖啡 豆腐砂 球形 膨润土 68% 32% 物理吸附异味