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SAP Maths Olympiad Junior 2 二年级奥数训练题 新加坡奥林匹克数学练习册 基础级别 2-3年级 新加坡小学数学教辅英文原版 正版
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新童世纪 SAP XINTONGSHIJI education Education SINGA2O度A51A edueation YEARS Maths olympiad Unleash The Maths Olympian In You Maths Olympiad 新加坡 Unleash The Maths Olympian in You! 奥数 基础级别 Maths Olympiad Junior unor 2 (Pr2&3,suitable for -9yearsold) Junior 2 Get into the spirit of Maths Olympiad Non-rouine stns cassified by type that challenge you to thnk beyond typica salutions Boost your mathematics problem-solving skills Leam mind-sharpening skis and methodcloges that transcend ouricubr knowedge Q.E.D.(Quite Easily Donel) Adopt and apply lgant ard efcient souticns to complex MO-type probems Step-by-step worked solutions 2-3年级 Impicit and akemive answers to further leaning and understanding Terry Chew SAP中国总代理