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ld nut. IH MORRIE ties.His h oud have stayed w-respected boo Latin lover..Whe】 e trou abled ine fatheater, 州 hothing could be 卫n sinsides BT115 t,so they】 2 ot them to心opy.taking iet.But whis- mandecred the doorie was brough in tor yetn report came back suggestg rie, e those tests,he sat in a specta electrical current-an electrc rological responses. esults. asked. Your times What 3v) new. ras no known cure. this further,”the do 3 t is it?” e slow.” die?" unforgiving illness of the neurological I get it?"Morrie asked. ctor said.I'm very sorry. and Charlotte for nearly ateral sclerosis(ALS),Lou Gehrig's went to the neurologist's office, before he broke the news:Mor- n August 1994,Morrie that mean? g their questions.When t