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Bneniioi uurvihaesdion au6A0uen场 2地w小a物 w此tul e o Bsndon,allihong wey opbadi道通 yw3山司hs的ne wan o ropvention uneallied legonu o 心1四H1力物e In 962,Arbus began wodking contraat to the lattere gaine more detail, ger thr 16:13 CHANEL ures I feally hate that everyday But I wanted te see the diti 有ing经air and wat6 and shin4S an to gel terribly typed on da pt and hopelese with the bi suage of the des.witi国 re frame would becom Du when d her work by using medium-torma tors."I hate the world of photography o Rolleis and Portriga (the photographic s awarded a fellowship by the Gug f fellowships available to artists a. s4boulevard saint germa led "American Rites,Manners an WEs PIEA2OO paris5e de brother: assignments for Esquire,mostly portraits,and twenty-one assignments for Harper' p.172-75).A number of significant portfolios prepared for these magazines,such a Pin-Ups,"both for Esquire in 1965,went unpublished at the time and only appeared pos zine Work