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粮rrdg看好aTh know how to knead.If the dough feels sth "reserve.-when dough is kneaded(s-10 mh. Breads Starches te the bowl.sprinkle itghtly with four,eover vour towel,and put away in an hsolutely draft-freo. et rise untll doubled 1 time o:yea五the temp p e hour7Two?tde、、、、 ra Morgan's Global Bread Cake r house,ete.) ea:down your dough a sec Ho. at.repeat the procedure.Th Ideck rts and shape into round or lo. 'se again.After a bread all someday become"World Cltizens," nto 4 equal pineapple poriginating In other countrles,into ad is prettler.but the. ly do 2 eeach. soy beans,taploca.couscous.bananas. ates,macadamla nuts,ete. 、"o slice. Basically.t eets,covering them wh. around the nking or the gre orld:corn.wheat com nd sprinkling them a buckwheat,taro ro at keep people altve y.oats,rlee.sesame,soy. lour.co er baking sheet:sprh sins,dates.banap and let rise for a thirdt walnuts.almond reen gram(mung bean)月 ade this as a sort of a UNIVERS 、2ut,gngr,lychee ds,plgnolls.ete. t oven to ch loaf with a r. inutes.Only now do yo s cups regu 1 cup co wheat flour 9 each time for varfet, 2 cup rnels of corn 3 the egg yolks:sprinkle、、 ‘fc(%inch dee--chan olfve oll,and then own rice feut have baked bread in man, eeds-and put 、eans 得 2%cupaa 0 and never found two allke.. nreferring 1 cup cook、 walnuts. hazelnuts. 网 ees for 60 minutes,turning the 1 cup cooked en raising the temperature to ss 1 cup cooked bue. macadamla nb minutes.If the bread is slightly bu. eup drled mllk pignolls (pine nu tter. cup corn-oll margan. sunflower seeds dmes,so melted peanut butte. (combined) ips dates(de-seeded) the bread as it comes out of the oven (with a bit p raw honey r,It's wonderful)-and sometimes put it back if it shredded coconut 1 raisins (seedless) ol the loaves on a rack,bottoms exposed. raw.cut fine) uts.lychee me seeds te. teasp mon teaspool d uth,American Housewife, Barbara Morgan,Cor. AS