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黄帝内经选读(英文版)(精) 博库网
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Textbooks for the Four TCM Classical Courses SELECTED READINGS FROM HUANGDI NEIJING 黄希 内经 选读 AE the beglnning of a disease,it can be cured by acupuncture;while pathogen is gelting rampant in some paroxysmal discases the neediing should be opcrated after the patho- gcn has been diminished nalurally The outward aid upuard dispersing therapy shouid be adopted because of the pathogen in the superficial part of the body the sradually reducing and purging therapyis adopted because of a deeply agglomerated pathogen in the interior;and expelling the residual pathogens compleicly in orde lo avoid the declining pathogen from being revived.The patleni wilh weakrened Yang-gi should be trealed by the herbg with a strong hature;while the patient who lacks Yin-essence should be treated by the herbs with a thick flavor.Whe the pathogen stays in the upper iao i should be eliminated by cmeri;when the pathogen is retained in the lawer Jiao,Lt should be eliminated by complelely removing the pathogen from two yin-orifices:wken the pathogen staghates In the middie-Jao with abdominal distention and fullness,it should be dispelled Compiferand Transator In Chlef 及:o山Cs程amCa家旭 Eogsh Revemer Douglas Davld Mooe (Canada)