家庭文摘网 逸家购物 pidan猫砂白玉猫砂玉米淀粉植物型猫砂吸臭结团无尘猫砂猫咪用品
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pidan 宠物国货日 7/300:00-7/523:59 pidan 回i 0f 100%白玉动题紧覆商,水 奥○密度大且拉小,回力强,不 力强,不 飞好○净奶白拉。发物请香 物清 ○白主研发的全自储生产馆,生产过程安全有得路心C0 Cat Litter OThe product is made of sate ingred ent--comn starchOThe 100%white-jade cat litter is characterized sterized by tight cumping and sstisfactory absorption of water and unpless- npleas- moleas- npleas- ant odorOThe product of small partides in a high density presents iresents resents 公益计划计划计划 trong encapsulating power and itte dust em临cn9The猫为先力 oure mlk-while p elease faint fre 为先为先 为先 OO product on lne guarantees the safe pro- 计划 duction process 白玉®猫砂 White-Jade Cat Litter 格2 优质玉米淀粉制作 不掺杂 结团紧实不化粉 任何污染成分 ¥145 ¥26 预估 4包活动价 优惠券 到手价 ¥ 29.75包