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egular wheat flour,which broughti character and form,and f.then,using nuts,seeds, osaic touch as a topping. alances can,no doubt, the mix,for grains and the Hans Namuth's French Peasant Bread 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cakes of fresh 4 cups warmw About4%p %cup whea and not 1 cup yogur 2 tablesp s un 4 tablesp ces each do 05 为cup olit 2 egg yolk Cornmeal white flour (d Sesame seeds y favorite bread recipe, 5月11日周方 finlly straightjacketed into a si form. Pea Bread"by some,and "Ha.s 6:29 It is u baked on weekends and gets pette gets ho amount ofo be kneaded and is therefore more popular with men.It须 at room tempe years,h Dissolve sugar and yeast in stand for 20 minutes or unti rmer. …∽cnch Put most of the flour(but not a car loaves-nearly 5 pounds of flour-means ahuge and well.All ingredients should be 人yothers.. e weather bag until you need it)plus whegerm.voourt bon a large wooden bowl,and stir with wooden sr mixed.start kneading inside vour bow\c big enough,on a slightly floured co ee water in a warm bowl.Let les(after stirring it gently Cleave 1pound in the