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Cordu roy Is the new breed of fy snack food lly healthy Cordu roy ust addictive? Cordu roy r Adler digs in. 1329 tographed by bby Doherty. Cordu 七”aid0Cnot1 roy adip,”aid ano0 almost universally adver. red Siete chips seem they were“plant-taed without warning. might quibble that pota L“1 don't lke the影 SUCH a magi ip,"someone mum cheee bread wasso Cordu d corn-on which pack- roy junk food exis dupon it last summer in wha ince the imvention of the of as my home Whole Foods y a devious genius in ere was fat-outre to Saratoga Springs es from a new co gus,Brooklyn.I was navigat. dler's stroller around all the cd一are also plants that package otrollerswhen Iencoun- cynic prevent,only wdered dips h lippeas Vegan White d lover preparing to%"and“m e healthy nibbles hemn.The ezz hickpea Puffs The rfectly cooke ms of fiber )Final mu and con- discriminating toal niversal c ohet. two-year-old served them was maki and car eds in both 乐da4 tentst and vors,beet there we soy-free,a. atos,and successes. veryon GMO.I gath my basket andp ed away aisle.The whole sne an goat chind a and Simple Mills c had changed!There cauliflower salt crackers Whi (tortilla chips made of b to observe th n are ge made simply of P tured peleo pork rinds green-p crisps,and various chips,all of door frame. The theory th ing team an imitation of seemed to be made of cassava.B at Baby Einstein or deluded parents niuses came from th irreproachable. eillabuzzwith dicovery.Iwent ter bin2 eclicking到 ar cracker The toddlers rushed to the alterna- chips and zucc siust as they would and crisp Hipp a singingdi pearance,bec