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V○○OTAPE <段落分明 > “OF LIFE=m <标题党> be a kind o and to iariss that hav 02 道d通奇uaon的 dh自dddD年e目 a小rrand that ia ik ruerine th证年hah G是2 N NOTN.FU0时BLCENE IN SPR联OTA山. 0 TO TI人BC0NML复AS0S 时E5礼hWLn4A经LN6修OU NTA5Ae好CA国N四,DDE SCEMERY EVERYVHERE 2Cg“ 3开.》 9094/08 FLOWER NOTAII “OF LIFE w行-,风…了 All menhae thesrbu theyare not thesamething EVERYWHERE. spring The rocad ol lfe i very long for different people For some.who are travelers,the bright as the stars ard the cc stars are guides.For others they are no more than Ittle Not all flonvers bloom in spring:not all rivers flow to ti9y nfigu ott.tby. ights in the sky For others who are scholars,they are the sea.Flowers bloom in all seasons and rivers flow in all directions.As long as you knve it,mountains and be a kied of growth,and tho problems For my businessman they were weaith.But all bern sufscred will eventally these stars are silent.You-you alone-wil have the stars seas can be leveled,and there is scenery everywhere. the suad ahead.O B6指以0.孕分%指:0 as no one else has them. 是2D tht it is never t ,之.分,不:·.r交-n have forotn this truth.But you must not forget NOT ALL FLOWERS BLOOM IN SPRING:NOT ALL RIVERS you,but the ndief amd parter FLOW TO THESEA.FLOWERS BLOOM IN ALLSEASONS AND king as your heart is not fli tamed.You are resporsble for your roe. RIVERS FLOW IN ALL DIRECTIONS.AS LONG AS YOU LOVE IT, will低t y6·y MOUNTAINS ANDSEAS CAN BE LEVELED.AND THERE IS SCENERY EVERYWHERE. 1. TIRST RAYS O THE THE O○N MORNING SUN 03. EVENING SARDEN "ROSE Spring THE LAST S LOOKING It's cleven o'clock at mught in Moscou 02 WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE IS ROSE ON YOURPATH NOTWHAT YOU ENOOUNTER.BUT WHAT YOU REMEMBER AND HOW ,FL○VER NIGHC 求AD BLOOMS . YOU REMEMBER IT. SIMULTANEOULY