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Spencer author who ple truth thor succes ational be He is the ManagerT onle dis legenda Ph. Minut ena! gift The Story of ed by Dr.Spenc Sifficult chang his chang Cheese? was help him deal howed him ends noticed ho Ny but not S for him,and asked w Study life Universie cardia story.Several said,son ow hearing the story helped thes His boor f sense of humor,to change,and to ga including CNN, r the Magazine,USA Toa dicine hing better themselves.His co-author of T inute Manager,Ken Blanchard,encouraged him others. Press International. Spencer Johnson's e media to finally write it as a book to share with many languages throughout the g Live,Time nal,and United Two decades after the story was created,this ailable in forty-on book,Who Moved My Cheese?,was published.It soon became an accelerating word-of Intemational Bestseller with cover copies in print months.tena、 and