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Bread Namuth's French P 2 cakes of fresh yeast (2 of 1 teaspoon sugar nour (d 4 cups warm water (115 de About4%pounds unble cup wheat germ 2 tablespoons honey 1 cup yogurt 4 tablespoonse (o cup olive oil 2 egg yolks,be Cornmeal ed often over the ye Sesame seed simple formula,i nuge My favorite bre ond“Hans Namuth'sB ekends and gets better as finally straightf nearly 5 pounds of flour Peasant Bread' leaded and is therefore m It is usually Let gets hotto. easfly and well.All ingre tly). amount of or warmer. 2 ound with mer yeast in 115-degree water in or until it bubbles(afte one and salt in at room thoroughl Put most of the flour(but not all-leave 1 po not bag until you need it)plus wheat germ.yo ona slfohtly floured countertop.We assume a large wooden bowl,and stir with woo stand for 20 minu. Dissolve su ctart kneading inside your b